How many uses are there for the paper hook? Only time can tell...
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"My favorite way to use Paper Hooks is at Christmas--we hang the cards friends and family send us on our tree. It saves space and always gets compliments from visitors!"
Janelle, Kansas
"Paper Hooks have become an indispensible part of my bulletin board. They're so easy to use and don't put holes in my photos and important papers. I definitely recommend this product."
Terry, Kansas
“I put my Paper Hooks to use many different ways, but they really came in handy when I was in charge of the local Boy Scout banquet.  The decorations included stringing lights on the ceiling to represent stars. The ceiling turned out to be full of odd angles and recesses and no one could figure out how to hang the lights. Turns out the Paper Hooks were perfect for the job. The church even asked us to leave the hooks there so they could use them later!”
Angeline, Kansas

"When the zipper on my child's jacket broke,  I used a paper hook as a replacement for the broken piece. It worked very well and saved me a trip to the store and the money for a new jacket."

Sarah, Missouri

"As a teacher, i use the paper hook to hang artwork in my classroom. I love returning artwork that hasnt been damaged by staples or tape. My desk also doesn't have much room on it, so I hang pictures with the paper hook and I can scrapbook them later."

Lindsay, Kansas


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